Sabtu, 31 Desember 2011

:: hello 2012 ::


2011 has finally ended,, yeay!!! a new phase of life begins,, hello 2012 :)

since today is weekend and definitely new year, so i think it fitting to share few things i had learned from the past 365 days..these are simple lessons about life and perhaps u guys have went through this before..

1. there comes a point when u're in despair, lost hope till u're almost giving up on study and life. worsen when your family is far miles away, and u have to cope that problems by your own. financial, stress of exam, tiring job. all mixed up till you have no strength to hold on. just remember that u're not alone. you have Allah and your friends by your side. 'mengadu kepada Allah' is the best thing, recite Quran whenever got free time. in that way you would feel sorts of calmness in your soul, u would feel better and starting to realize that "it's a life". 

2. every success has an episode of failures behind it, and every failure could be the lead of several efforts towards success. if u didn't get a good result in 1 subject, it doesn't mean u're dumb, it's called a gap (time belajar epid dulu hehe) there might be some reason why u couldn't success even u have tried your best. just chill la :p and keep up that good effort. as others have said, "u don't fail by falling down, u fail by never getting back up". sometimes u just have to be patient, forget how u feel, remember what u deserve and keep moving on.

3. relationships must be chosen wisely. It's better to be alone than to be in bad company. There's no need to rush peeps. If something is meant to be, it will happen - in the right time, with the best person :)))

4. someone will always be better looking, someone will always be smarter than you. it's normal to get jealous but don't take it seriously. they are awesome but they will never be you - be yourself and believe in your own capabilities.

5. everyone makes mistakes. everyone has weakness coz nobody is perfect. don't belittle yourself, so do anyone else. lets forgive and forget. If u can't forgive others, don't expect others to forgive you. am i rite?

6. it's not necessary to always have to pretend to be strong. If u're sad, just show it. cry if you need to. share your problems and sorrowfulness with your close friend. this is what friends are for rite. do the same too if your friend need it. (dedicated to my best friend yanie -> thanks 4 everything babe~)
with yanie
Everything is a life lesson. Everyone u meet, every problem that u encounter are a part of learning experiences that we called "life" :)) 
Happy new year everyone. May this upcoming new year bring us so much love, happiness and success :))
what's your new resolutions? :p

Selasa, 20 Desember 2011

:: a doctor ::


feeling excited to write down a piece of thought after so long never update..lately, have been busy with work..anyway, A BUNCH of thanks for reading my previous entries :)

hai budak2, jangan takut  kat dr. ok :)
waktu kecik2 dulu, memang happening.. btol kan? sometimes aku rasa it would be good to just be a child and not grown up hehe.. main masak-masak, nyorok-nyorok, polis entri, baling selipar, batu seremban, ronders (betul ke eja? :p), dan d best part is main doktor-doktor.. siapa sangka sekarang ni pun aku boleh main lagi permainan ni.. but for sure with the real stehetoscope, thermometer, spyghmomanometer.. and definitely--> facing the REAL PATIENT!! cool ya ;p

posting in psychiatry depatment :)

i never dreamed of to be a doctor.. since i have seen it was a tough job and scary.. needs determination and perseverance.. tapi semua itu berubah apabila aku menjejakkan kaki ke MATRIKULASI.. kenapa all of sudden nak jadi doktor? panjang ceritanya hehe nak dipendekkan,, hmm, aku banyak terbaca, terdengar kisah tokoh-tokoh yang berjaya dalam kehidupan mereka.. daripada keluarga yang susah menjadi senang, dapat berbakti dan membanggakan keluarga.. hah, tiba-tiba timbul lah satu kesedaran dan tekad dalam diri bahawa "kenapa aku tidak?".. waktu itu doa tidak putus-putus dipanjatkan kepada Allah, usaha juga dilipat gandakan supaya aku dapat melanjutkan pengajian dalam bidang Perubatan.. Alhamdulillah, bersyukur kepada Allah yang sememangnya Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang..

kini sudah 4 tahun aku bergelar mahasiswa kedokteran atau di Malaysia pelajar perubatan.. 3 tahun setengah belajar teori and a half year lagi praktikal.. banyak pahit manis yang sudah ditempuh.. dan aku rasa pengalaman yang paling berharga adalah over past half year dimana aku menjadi Dokter Muda.. dari situ aku banyak belajar mengenal kehidupan doktor yang sebenar..

"a doctor's life means lifeless".. i second that but i'm not 100% agree.. for sure there would be pros and contras about this.. and 1 note to be remembered guys "tidak kisah anda seorang apa; doktor, engineer, petani, guru, penjual, penganggur; berusahalah yang terbaik dalam hidup anda, jangan mudah putus asa, dan serahkan segalanya kepada sang pencipta kerana DIAlah yang merancang kehidupan kita kedepannya".. tapi ingatlah kejayaan itu bukan sekadar memperoleh harta dan pangkat sebanyak mungkin.. berjaya menjadi anak yang baik, rakyat yang baik, menolong sesama kita, menjaga lingkungan agar tetap bersih dan aman juga adalah kejayaan diri sendiri yang boleh dibanggakan.. tepuk dada tanya lah akal~

salam :)

Jumat, 16 September 2011

:: Selamat Hari Malaysia ::

just a quick we had a chance to celebrate 'Hari Malaysia' which was held at FK lecture hall..simple yet meaningful :)
Malaysia Boleh !!

simply said, i'm proud to be a malaysian..

'Hujan emas di negeri orang, hujan batu di negeri sendiri. lebih baik di negeri sendiri.' (btol ke kate pepatah aku ni? hehe)

Senin, 29 Agustus 2011

:: sadness of raya :


at this moment, here in the gloomy room, sitting on the old plastic chair, i would like to wish SELAMAT HARI RAYA MAAF ZAHIR BATIN to those who celebrating raya today..

in Indonesia, RAYA begins tomorrow and yet i'm so sad and depressed..wanna know why? huhuhu..bcoz i will be on-call and its 24 hours!!! i think i'm gonna get mad these few days..

dear 'mak', 'abah', 'family' and 'friends', i miss Eid celebration in Malaysia T.T,,
..i miss decorating and cleaning up the house..
..i miss the night before aidilfitri where it's filled with sounds of the Muslim recite the takbir in the mosque, while kids playing firecrackers..
..i miss to see pelitas were lit up and placed around homes..
..i miss to wear new 'baju raya'..
..i miss to visit the grave of arwah atuk..
..i miss mak n atuk minah special dishes..ketupat, daging rendang, ayam masak kicap, lemang..
..i miss the moments where we will be busy preparing food, cakes, biskut raya and other delicacies to be served on the day of Hari Raya..
..i miss to hug mak, abah and asking forgiveness for all my wrongdoings..
..i miss jalan beraya with my family n old friends..
..i miss everything..

kepada semua yang tak balik kampung or dah taknak balik kampung or dah ketepikan keluarga, balik la sementara ibu bapa korg masih ada..keluarga itu tidak ternilai harganya dibandingkan dengan wang ringgit yang cuma sementara saja..
ni laye 2 tahun lepas oh
my boyfriends ;)

everything happen for a reason --> ya..i always hold on to that 'prinsip' whenever i'm down..always keep it tight in my heart and mind since nothing comes as easy in this world..sacrifice is a-must to success..


Selasa, 09 Agustus 2011

:: Places of interest in Bali Part 1 ::


kaifa halukum?
semoga semua sihat2 hendaknya :)
so here, i'm gonna share some info on several tourism places i have been in Pulau Dewata..
guys, this might be the best place that u have been searching for! perfect for a short or long holiday, family day, honeymoon and segala jenis day lah..
kalau terserempak jgn lupa tegur :p

lets check it out where u can be sightseeing in Bali->

Dah nama pun Pulau Dewata, Bali ni merupakan 1 pulau yang mempunyai buaaanyaak pantai..pantai2 die top-on-the-top la..

1. Pantai Sanur
merupakan salah satu tempat favorite ktorg since it is the nearest beach from Denpasar city (which is about 15 minutes) by our bike..indeed, a good place to get unwind and relaxing..time stress2 tak dapat jawab soklan exam, pastu rasa down yang amat sangat, at least pegi tempat cmni, tgk alam ciptaan Tuhan, seriously akan timbul rasa tenang~

these picts were taken few years back. so, sory 4 its low quality
beriadah di waktu petang
ok, besides it is a good place for swimming (blaja swimming kt sini la hehe), this place also has a foot path, usually used for jogging, cycling and afternoon nak dipendekkan citer tempat ni multi-functional la..nk wat wedding ceremony pun bole :p

2. Pantai padang-padang
this pantai is quite a calm beach since there are not many tourist and beach vendors at the site. around 40 minutes by my scooter. best datang pagi2, pukul 8 biasanya ktorg dtg mandi-manda, boleh picnic juga. kat sinilah Julia Robert buat pengambaran movie Eat, Pray and Love tu :)

uphill view

but guys, if u want to reach de beach, 1st u have to pass through a cave-alike. exercise la sikit kan :p be careful when hiking down the stairs as the cave is kinda narrow and slippery.
hah, beginilah rupanya
once korg arrive kat bawah, white sandy beach with blue water are waiting for u :)

3. Pantai Blue-point
well known as de best place for surfing. tak bole mandi-manda. but de scenery is awesome and worth it if korg nak pergi sini. kinda adventurous too as u have to walk down the stairs to reach the beach.
uphill view

from left back : me, ita n poja;  front : ien

 and then, walk through this wood-like bridge to approach another site.
sampai sudah~

4. Pantai greenbowl
the most beautiful beach i ever seen in my life. it has clean white sand with crystal-clear sea water bluish green. sangat jernih. my 1st impression when i just arrived at this place was 'WAHHHHH!!'. actually saya pernah faint kat sini. gara-gara kena naik beratus-ratus anak tangga masa nak balik haha. literally such an embarrassment thing for me :D

ok, enough for now..banyak lagi pantai yang akan saya update..stay tuned bebeh :)

Minggu, 07 Agustus 2011

:: mata oh mata ::


Alhamdulillah..bersyukur arini dapat puasa hehe :p 
1st and foremost, saya nak ucapkan Selamat Berpuasa kepada semua muslimin dan muslimat di luar sana ya..marhaban ya Ramadhan..
Bila masuk bulan puasa ni, ade feelings yang i right? rasa tenang, damai, and somehow excited sebab RAYA is coming over!! yeayy!! tapi itu dulu~
sekarang sebab tak dapat balik msia on raya, i feel nothing..dah tak excited dah..everything is obviously different here..the celebration won't be the same as compared in malaysia..mesti meriah la kan..kat sini hambar je..hmm gapapa deh, demi menimba ilmu di dada, akan ku harungi semuanya dengan tabah..ceh..

okay, harini 7 august 2011, tamatla sudah department othalmology ku. gonna miss those damn-cool groupmates and nice doctors..of course i've learnt a lot..a lot..MATA kita ni even just 28 grams and small compared with most organs, but the structure is incredibly complex..simply said, mata ni macam kamera will take a picture and then, send the captured through optic nerve to the brain and translate it..somehow rasa jeles pada patient yang penglihatan normal ni a.k.a emmetropia..kalo baca Snellen Chart tu lancar je sampai 6/6..5/6 pun ada huhu..yelah kan..aku ni ada refractive disorder yaitu myopia/rabun jauh..masalah yang selalu dihadapi terutama student2 macam aku..dan aku terpaksa pakai concave lens/specs supaya boleh lihat dengan jelas..definitely i hate wearing specs..but i have to..
a snap taken with cokvi, my indonesian friend..
so for those yang emmetropia ni, jagalah mata anda baik2..Allah sudah berikan suatu nikmat yang besar dalam hidup anda..dah tak perlu nak susah2 beli specs, contact lens or lagi advanced buat LASIK surgery untuk memperbaiki penglihatan anda..

ok, enough for now..selamat beramal dan menjalankan ibadah di Bulan Ramadhan :)..wassalam~

Senin, 04 Juli 2011

:: frozen YOGURT vs ice cream ::

I love to eat both ice cream and frozen yogurt, but what's the difference?

J.CO's yogurt (single)
strawberry and mango toppings..
rating : 3 stars!!
J.CO's yogurt (double)..
comes in a variety of flavors and colors..
rating : 5 stars!!!

look so tempting, isn't it? slurrppp. meleleh air liur :p seriously, bila makan desert ni, akan terasa sangat fresh, hilang segala penat, lelah. otak pn akan kembali segar bugar sbb die agak masam2. 

McD sundae ice cream
rating : 4 stars!!
love this too :)

so, here are the facts. frozen yogurt vs ice cream :

similarities :
1. both are milk-based 
sesuai for those who cannot tolerate milk for e.g, lactose-intolerance and protein allergy.
2. they contain some of nutritional ingredients like protein, calcium and Vitamin B

differences :
1. Probiotics can only be found in frozen yogurt! and specifically those with the LAC seal, indicating the presence of  'Live Active Cultures'.
---> probiotics are also known as 'beneficial' or 'good' bacteria that foster a healthy colon.
haiii, manusia pun ada baik dan jahat kan. begitu juga la dengan bacteria ni :p
2. Dari segi penampilan je, y'all can guess which 1 is more expensive. Yogurt tu worth 35rp babe. while ice cream tu 5rp je! berape kali ganda tu. hg kira la seniri. sebulan sekali je kot yana makan :(

* all this while, we thought that frozen yogurt had less calories than ice cream,
BUT surprisingly, certain frozen yogurts also have as much fat as full fat ice creams..whattt!!
hmm tapi bagusla kan..tak payah beli selalu..jimat duit den hehe..

- utamakan kesihatan, so pandai2 lah kita memilih ye -

p/s : 2 weeks left before exam, wish me luck ya and sorry for all my wrongdoings..Salam~

Jumat, 01 Juli 2011

:: Public Health Services::

 "pressing problems in today's society will not be solved by medicine alone but rather by systems of intervention, including health care, social services, community coalitions and public policy"

Started from 6 Jun 2011 till 6 weeks onwards, we have been assigned to do a research, health promotion and home-visit to the people living in rural area. Sudah tentu, bertujuan sebagai pendekatan masyarakat terhadap 'health care and its prevention'. So, setiap hari kena travel la dari Denpasar ke Puskesmas (Karangasem) which it takes around 3 hours by car!! fuhhh, capek deh~

Puskesmas?? menatang pa la tu..
ok, lemme explain a bit about it. Its actually a short form of Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat which is 1 of the primary medical care facilities in Indonesia. It is situated at sub-district level and render 6 basic services (health promotion, maternal and child health/family planning, communicable disease control, nutrition, environmental sanitation and curative care). The Puskesmas is managed by government and assisted by the Puskesmas Pembantu (Pustu) and Puskesmas Keliling (Pusling). While 2ndary and tertiary medical care facilities in Indonesia are located at hospitals.

so far, we had done several activities such as :
'Penyuluhan Kesehatan Gigi dan Mulut' (penyuluhan = a kind of health promotion la)   
identified the risk factors of px's disease and implemented several interventions to prevent recurrence..
had randomly visited 1 of villager's house in Desa Sindhuwati..

Tahukah Anda??
There is a 1 thing that probably, hasn't existed in Malaysia nowadays, 
but u would be able to see it here..

lets have a look :p

alololo..cute la awak ni..
--> come on peeps, can u guess what is it?

a manual weight-scale for babies under 5 y.o..unique isn't it? :p 

1st life lesson :
experiences is the best teacher..
whether it was a good or bad one, doesn't matter at all :p
anyway, it reminded me of 1 inspiring quote : 
"Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson afterward. And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." ~ Abraham Lincoln

arini libur dong..nak masak nasi ayam la wehee~

Kamis, 30 Juni 2011

:: it's just an INTRO ::

I've got nothing to write for now..
just wanna drop by and say 'Hai!!' to all readers out there :p
Ahlan wasahlan to 'ana-lia-yana's blog

I'm Nur Liyana, 23 y.o, a co-assistant in Sanglah Hospital Denpasar,
orang Batu Pahat wehee :p

-> will be updating very soon..
-> stay tuned ;)))