Selasa, 13 Maret 2012

:: bali safari ::


few weeks ago, we were assigned to organize one memorable event in Bali Safari and Marine Park..this event is held for the purpose of welcoming all new doctors in Dermatology lebih kurang macam Family Holiday la hehe..

Bali Safari info :
this is not like an usual will be driven through open land with animals roaming free..and get great animal shows and riding..tempat ni is located in Gianyar, not so far from Denpasar..the ticket fee is a bit expensive as for tourist has cost 30 USD (min) and local is 15 USD..
hai, leh ngorat :p
i have snapped few pictures during that time, lets have a look :)
must travel through the huge safari by this bus..or otherwise, we would end up with....
..know what i mean rite?..:p

awesome friends
feeding TINI, the gegurl elephant..
camel ride..wohoo!!

was a worth-spending-money trip after all..
besides having fun, we can begin to educate ourselves and our family to love and care of animal..
sharing is caring, caring is sharing,, ye ke? tak kisahla..haha
ok, bye goodie nite :)

p/s : nak upload banyak2 tak larat..

Sabtu, 21 Januari 2012

:: typical foods in Bali ::


hai semua, ken ken kabare? haha..harini nak cakap pasal makanan..i'm pretty sure many of you are more interested to read something on food rite? :p okay2, these are common foods that are easily to find in Bali and served either in restaurant or warung tepi you can see, makanan di Indonesia/Bali tidaklah se-variety seperti di Malaysia..makanan-makanan disini amat sederhana..i mean, kat ceruk mana pun korang pergi di Bali ni, itu2 jelah makanan yang akan korng jumpa hehe..actually Balinese food is somewhat different from Indonesian food in that it often includes pork items (lawar, babi guling, etc) mana boleh makan kan @_@..tapi jangan risau..ramai penduduk-penduduk jawa yang beragama Islam sudah bermigrasi ke Bali dan membuka perusahaan makanan ape yang dipaparkan disini adalah some popular dishes in Indonesia, that you might get served in Bali..lets check it out~

1. Ayam Bakar (Grilled Chicken)
one of the most popular street foods in Bali..
TANGIE restaurant
2. Nasi Goreng (Fried rice)

MM JUICE restaurant

MR PANCAKE restaurant
3. Bakso
it's usually meatballs with soup..but this is different one..bakso ini bernama 'Bakso Rawit' hehe..
MM JUICE restaurant
bahan pelengkap

4. Mie Ayam
MM JUICE restaurant
5. Soto
Beza sikit dengan sup biasa..agak pekat la..
MM JUICE restaurant
6. Rujak
varieties of local fruits mixed up with shrimp chilies sauce.
hawker stall
7. Candlelight seafood dinner in Jimbaran.
this is a must for those who wanna come here..dinner sambil mendengar desiran ombak pantai sangat mengasyikkan..kat sini ada bermacam jenis seafood dan boleh dimasak ikut suka..the most special is GRILLED!! :)

if u wanna eat something different, well selera kan macam-macam hehe so try this :

8. steak (kat mesia pun ade huhu)
this is called 'cordon bleu'..

9. Syabu-Syabu and Teriyaki (Japanese food) 
Jgn salah faham ye..syabu-syabu-> definitely it's not amphetamine @_@..ini adalah makanan yang direbus dalam kaldu ayam and dipped in sauce before served with rice..while teriyaki is the grilled one..
HANAMASA restaurant

9. Pancake
dah makan sikit..sebab tu ada defect :p
MR PANCAKE restaurant

"The belly rules the mind" hohoho

ok, enough for now..
nak masak Tom Yam harini..
have a good day everyone and happy Chinese New Year :)

Minggu, 15 Januari 2012

:: a gift to myself ::


while i was planning to change my old watch's battery at DuniaJam (a watch shop in Bali), suddenly my sigh went to a cluster of beautiful watches in mirror and i'm attracted to this one hee ^_^..well, after all hard work i have done in 2011, i think i deserve to get myself a little something was very affordable as i'm still a student..

hopefully on the day ahead, i will use my time wisely and be good ^_^
have a nice day everyone..
oh tomorrow is Monday, so begins your day with a fresh start!!!