I love to eat both ice cream and frozen yogurt, but what's the difference?
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J.CO's yogurt (double).. comes in a variety of flavors and colors.. rating : 5 stars!!! |
look so tempting, isn't it? slurrppp. meleleh air liur :p seriously, bila makan desert ni, akan terasa sangat fresh, hilang segala penat, lelah. otak pn akan kembali segar bugar sbb die agak masam2.
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McD sundae ice cream rating : 4 stars!! |
so, here are the facts. frozen yogurt vs ice cream :
similarities :
1. both are milk-based
sesuai for those who cannot tolerate milk for e.g, lactose-intolerance and protein allergy.
2. they contain some of nutritional ingredients like protein, calcium and Vitamin B
differences :
1. Probiotics can only be found in frozen yogurt! and specifically those with the LAC seal, indicating the presence of 'Live Active Cultures'.
---> probiotics are also known as 'beneficial' or 'good' bacteria that foster a healthy colon.
haiii, manusia pun ada baik dan jahat kan. begitu juga la dengan bacteria ni :p
2. Dari segi penampilan je, y'all can guess which 1 is more expensive. Yogurt tu worth 35rp babe. while ice cream tu 5rp je! berape kali ganda tu. hg kira la seniri. sebulan sekali je kot yana makan :(
* all this while, we thought that frozen yogurt had less calories than ice cream,
BUT surprisingly, certain frozen yogurts also have as much fat as full fat ice creams..whattt!!
hmm tapi bagusla kan..tak payah beli selalu..jimat duit den hehe..
- utamakan kesihatan, so pandai2 lah kita memilih ye -
p/s : 2 weeks left before exam, wish me luck ya and sorry for all my wrongdoings..Salam~
sedapnya eskrem..uwaa...nak eskrem..hehehe
BalasHapusjom datang Bali..akak blanje wehee :p
BalasHapusyogurt JCO will always b my fav. nanti org balik kita g makan nak? hehe
BalasHapusalrite!! dh teringin dah ni hehe..