since today is weekend and definitely new year, so i think it fitting to share few things i had learned from the past 365 days..these are simple lessons about life and perhaps u guys have went through this before..
1. there comes a point when u're in despair, lost hope till u're almost giving up on study and life. worsen when your family is far miles away, and u have to cope that problems by your own. financial, stress of exam, tiring job. all mixed up till you have no strength to hold on. just remember that u're not alone. you have Allah and your friends by your side. 'mengadu kepada Allah' is the best thing, recite Quran whenever got free time. in that way you would feel sorts of calmness in your soul, u would feel better and starting to realize that "it's a life".
2. every success has an episode of failures behind it, and every failure could be the lead of several efforts towards success. if u didn't get a good result in 1 subject, it doesn't mean u're dumb, it's called a gap (time belajar epid dulu hehe) there might be some reason why u couldn't success even u have tried your best. just chill la :p and keep up that good effort. as others have said, "u don't fail by falling down, u fail by never getting back up". sometimes u just have to be patient, forget how u feel, remember what u deserve and keep moving on.
3. relationships must be chosen wisely. It's better to be alone than to be in bad company. There's no need to rush peeps. If something is meant to be, it will happen - in the right time, with the best person :)))
4. someone will always be better looking, someone will always be smarter than you. it's normal to get jealous but don't take it seriously. they are awesome but they will never be you - be yourself and believe in your own capabilities.
5. everyone makes mistakes. everyone has weakness coz nobody is perfect. don't belittle yourself, so do anyone else. lets forgive and forget. If u can't forgive others, don't expect others to forgive you. am i rite?
6. it's not necessary to always have to pretend to be strong. If u're sad, just show it. cry if you need to. share your problems and sorrowfulness with your close friend. this is what friends are for rite. do the same too if your friend need it. (dedicated to my best friend yanie -> thanks 4 everything babe~)
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with yanie |
Everything is a life lesson. Everyone u meet, every problem that u encounter are a part of learning experiences that we called "life" :))
Happy new year everyone. May this upcoming new year bring us so much love, happiness and success :))
what's your new resolutions? :p